Today travelers prefer to choose unconventional routes and independent trips. Despite the big number of luxury hotels in the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, the popularity of rented apartments are growing. Greater resort to such services like and Airbnb prove it.
That is why if you buying property for renting is not throwing your money away. The U.S. dollar and the euro can fluctuate significantly, but the cost of housing is growing steadily. What are the advantages of renting out the apartment?
Undoubtedly, this is the main advantage. Not only foreigners are interested in profits, but also immigrants who want to earn in Turkey.
You will receive profits in any case (if you choose short-term rental or long-term rental). In case of short-term housing, you can request a fairly big rent. But you will need to spend money on furniture, dishes and textiles in order to make the life of your guests more comfortable. These will probably make them to come again or to stay for a longer period. Needless to say, you will need to find your clients yourself (usually it is really hard and labor-intensive, especially if you are located in another country). Therefore, MyBestAgent provides a special short-term service. The company not only find customers, but also control the bills and the condition of the apartment.
In case of long-term housing, tenants usually bring their own furniture. They are more interested in an empty flat. That is why the rent is usually significantly lower.
Quick Payback
As a rule the average annual profit is somewhere between 6 and 10% of the apartment price (this is already minus fees for housing maintenance (Aidat) and utility payments). Thus, buying an apartment will pay for itself in about ten or twelve years.
Relaxed Atmosphere and Plenty of Sunshine
Renting out a short-term apartment will allows you to relax from time to time in your apartment on the coast. Your relatives and friends will accompany you at any time due to the visa-free regime. A wonderful climate and 300 days of sunshine each year will leave only pleasant impressions!